Thursday, March 12, 2015

Dark Desert Nights

I was recently listening to someone read the passage of Matthew (chapter 4, verses 1-11) where Jesus is tempted in the desert for 40 days and nights. At first my brain was kind of like, "yeah yeah....same story...Jesus tempted, desert, lent, sacrifice, fish on Fridays, yada, yada, yada..." But then my brain woke up, and was like, "Hello...40 days AND AND AND NIGHTS...." Dang. The word "Night..." just echoing in my mind. My heart sank.

Jesus in the desert, at night, being tempted by Satan himself.  Let the reality of what that must have been like sink in....

I get nervous walking my dog outside at night in our backyard even anywhere that is remotely close to a small patch of woods. That's 20 feet from my house, with a 90 lbs. dog to protect me, with no one tempting me to sin.  I have also fought my own dark battles with depression both in high school and with PTSD after college. Deep, dark, very scary battles.

And here is Jesus, my Savior, both God and still very much a man...alone in the darkness with Satan. He's not sleeping, he's not eating, it gets very cold on desert nights, and he is totally alone, and he's under constant torment from Satan. The account in Scripture gives us only a small glimpse into those 40 days. All I know is that when the angels came to minister to Him - what relief there must have been and solace in that comfort from above. Like a war torn soldier coming home and finally receiving that well earned rest away from the enemy and bloody battles.

God knows what it is like to fight hard battles. He knows what it is like to feel completely abandoned. He gets what it is like to be on the brink of giving up. Yet how often do I forget that reality both in my big battle moments (like with PTSD) and in my day to day struggles (fighting impatience, gossip, greed...). He knows. He really really knows.

Lean on his strength. Lean on his love. Lean on his presence.

1 comment:

  1. If we add the "wild beasts" from Mk. 1:13, those were indeed dark desert nights. Yet it is also true that "Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert" (Mt. 4:1; Mk. 1:12). So the presence of God's strong Holy Spirit empowered Jesus to overcome the less powerful evil spirit's temptations.

    This desert experience comes right after Jesus was anointed by the Spirit as the new king of a new kingdom at his baptism. And the good shepherd/king knows his kingship will include giving up his life for his sheep. Satan tempts him to just be like the other kings of the earth, feasting rather than hungering, or impressing the temple authorities of Israel to become the king of Israel, or serving Satan to become the king of all the kingdoms of the world. Through the mighty Spirit, Jesus remains true to his God-given mission of becoming a servant who humbles himself all the way to death on a cross.
