It's the best part of my job. Watching the lights come on in someone's eyes. I was graced with one of those moments just today. My buddy, Jim, who works as the adult faith formation/Bible study guru, is out of town this weekend in CO so I nobly agreed to take his Baptism prep class.
I got into my office an hour early. Organized the materials. Started feeling nervous. The weight of eternity bearing down on my soul - a World Series of what-ifs. "What if they don't know Jesus and hate Church? What if this is the only chance to prepare them for what's going to happen to their children? What if I can't do this? What do I know? I'm not a parent. I've never had a kid baptized. I tried to reassure myself - I have a theology and catechetics degree from an awesome university; what's the problem? I'll be fine." It kind of worked...
But finally I had a talk with God. Okay, God, this is your business. You're going to have to speak to these parents. I know that I received you in baptism, help me to share my love of you with them. Suddenly, I felt much better. Calmer. Less ADHD. More focused. In control. Funny, I thought I just gave up control.
Well, I set up the room. Double checked my materials. Then as I was walking back to the youth office, I saw a young woman sitting at the table. I felt like my throat was in my stomach or something, but the whole thing clicked right away.
She had read the sign in front of church congratulating First Communicants and Confirmands. She came into the basement and was reminiscing about her Confirmation that took place at St. Alban Roe right after her family had moved to the area. Then I enter, stage left, the Confirmation coordinator. Bingo.
So I ran the class. And right in the middle of it when I was least expecting it. It came. My favorite part of my job. Watching the lights come on.
We were talking about how God has shown his love for his people and provided for them since the beginning. I thought a visual would be nice. I started with Adam and Eve and drew a semi-straight line ending in 2008. Then I drew a cross. That's when she got the big picture. The lights came on. God the Father has been providing and caring for his people since day one, saving His people through WATER, we were created to be like Him. Jesus proved it, and His sacrifice, the BLOOD and WATER from His side, extends back to the beginning and all the way up to this very moment, including her son's baptism in a couple of weeks. She glanced up and smiled. A big, warm genuine smile. A "I get it...God is big and He loves us..." smile.
Nothing compares to it. There's no greater joy. Seeing someone realize how big God is and how small we are, but how He reaches down and touches the details of our lives. How big He is and how intimately He cares about each soul. It's a beautiful thing. Watching the lights come on.
And today I got to see it happen. I'm a lucky woman.
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